JCheck is a specification-based random testing tool that is loosely based upon the popular library QuickCheck for Haskell. It provides a custom JUnit runner for easy integration with JUnit and JUnit-tools.
Download binaries and source code from SourceForge. Please use the svn repository to get the latest improvements.
JCheck depends upon JUnit 4.5 (or, probably, any later version. JUnit 4.7 has also been tested.).
Using JCheck is almost as simple as using JUnit. With a few extra keystrokes you can use the full power of JCheck as well as JUnit.
If you haven't used JUnit before i recommend reading their (very short) JUnit Cookbook, learning how to use it first.
Read the JCheck tutorial.
JCheck is far from finished. It works, but to truly be easy to use in most situations some work needs to be done. Some of it is summarized in the list below:
JCheck is forged on SourceForge. Please use the tools provided there to submit bugs, ask for enhancements or discuss jcheck in the forums.